

Are you ready to PAAARRRTAYYY!?! Alita is a two year old frenchie with spunk and pizazz.  She has a puppy-like enthusiasm for life and affection. Silly, playful, and cuddly, this little lady would fit right into anyone’s home and arms.

Not too much is known about Alita’s past, except for her dramatic entrance to SNORT. Alita was surrendered due to stalled labor and needed an emergency c section to save her life. Unfortunately, none of her puppies made it. She has put all that behind her now, and is happy go lucky and super cheerful, taking every day by storm and living life to the fullest. She has no other health concerns at this time.

Being very puppy-like, she’s still learning all the things. She is house broken, but may still have accidents learning a new routine. She is very food motivated, so she is trying very hard to learn “sit” right now.  Just like a puppy, she is very nervous about stairs and hasn’t learned how to go up and down just yet- she’d love for someone to teach her, so they are no longer an obstacle in following people from room to room.  She is very happy to be picked up and is petite enough that the temporary “stair detour” is easy for whoever is helping her.

Alita LOVES children and other dogs. She enjoys a good game of chase, or any other game dogs or children are willing to play. After a good play time, she’ll gladly curl up and snuggle in with any one who will have her.  She is untested with cats, but given her personality, we don’t think she’d mind at all.

Fitting into most any environment, Alita’s biggest want in a forever home is attention. She loves love. She’d thrive in a routined environment that could help continue her training. She’d also love a human or canine playmate. She’s crate trained, so she’s okay to be left alone for some of the day, but if you are gone for large stretches, she’d like a dog walker or a trip to daycare. Eventually, she’d be able to go to work with you, but we can’t guarantee any one would get any work done… they’d be too busy fussing over Alita!

Alita is just about as perfect as they come… so apply today!