

Announcing: one bouncing, bubbly, Boston Terrier named Brutus who is looking for a home with experienced, loving dog owners.

Brutus came to rescue by way of the passing of his elderly former owner where it seems he was not always treated with the kindness he deserved. This poor treatment especially manifests around food and bones.

In short: Brutus is a serious resource guarder with his food and bones, which will need to be managed in his new home, especially if there are other dogs. Even if he is in his crate and other dogs are in the same room, he becomes reactive. This is a serious issue and to handle it correctly means a happy and safe environment for everyone.

Otherwise, Brutus loves to play and could use a resident canine companion who also likes to play as long as meal time is in his own closed off space. There is belief he didn’t always get fed well in his previous home and will need someone patient and willing to rework his resourcing guarding in the house. Outside he is fine. He would also be fine as an only dog.

When it comes to loving – Brutus is all in. He is an affectionate, sweet boy who wants nothing more than a nice long walk with his favorite human. He is a great sniffer on his walk, so despite his high energy, he will still take lots of time to smell the roses. He is also a social butterfly who tries to go give greetings to everyone and everything he meets on a walk. He is a puller when walking, so there’s a project to work on.

If there’s one main thing to say about Brutus – he’s busy! Besides being a busy active boy, he is also smart and very easy to train. It won’t take long to correct some of the habits he developed with his previous owner.

Brutus loves being outdoors, whether walking with you or frolicking in the backyard.

His ideal home is one with owners who have dog experience. City, Suburbs, Apartment, Townhouse, or Single-family Home would all be workable home situations for Brutus.

There is nothing like a comment or two from a pup’s current foster, so here’s what Brutus’ has to say about him:

Brutus did not have a great start to life. His previous owner did not treat him well, and as a result, he’s developed some fears around food. Food was probably used as a form of abuse where his previous owner may or may not have withheld it to punish Brutus for whatever reason, and therefore, he guards it. I do think he might be able to overcome it in the right home, but his new owner will need time and patience with him. Despite not being treated well, Brutus still has a lot of love to give. He just needs that special home for him.

If you have the skills and desire to help this boy become his true, best self, then click below to fill out the application.