

Passionate about 2 things in life – dog toys and Morticia, this Gomez doesn’t care if your last name is Adams or if your favorite color is black. Gomez the French Bulldog eagerly awaits kissing the hand and arm of his forever Cara Mia and is willing to travel to find his perfect love. Currently Gomez lives in Wellesley, MA and is available for adoption!
As a lover, not a fighter, Gomez thrives on human attention. His perfect adoptive home would include a work from home or stay at home adult. When left alone, Gomez will use his words and can be vocal to explain that he’s not happy about your absence. A rural or suburban home with a little distance between the next house would be ideal for Gomez as well as maintaining peace with the neighbors. He does not require a fenced yard.
A perfect day for this muscle bound 28-pound man includes a daily stroll, emptying the toy basket numerous times, finding ample strong chew toys and having a patient canine companion who doesn’t mind roughhousing. He walks nicely on a leash but can become a concrete block when he decides he no long wants to be your walking partner. Bulldog patience is a prerequisite.
Gomez gets along well with the 4-year-old male dog in his adoptive home and is learning how to play with the 15-pound female dog. He’s 100% boy and tends to do everything in life football style which includes play time. Humans should have a strong shoulder and arm if they want to play tug with Gomez. An adult only home, or a home with teenage or older children is recommended due to his strength and level of play. After exercising, one or 3 naps, lizard style, on the floor and hanging out by human feet keeps this boy smiling. Bonus days include visitors or delivery people willing to scratch his head and reinforce that he’s an amazing dog.
6-year-old Gomez has a clean bill of health. He knows basic commands including sit, come and leave it. He entered SNORT when the prior owner realized Gomez deserved more attention than he was getting. Described as obedient, sweet, fun, eager to please, and easily adaptable, handsome faced Gomez will do well in any loving home as long as you acknowledge his remarkable abilities.
Most importantly, Gomez would like to meet his Morticia. He promises to be your faithful companion, always wanting to be near you. If you are the Cara Mia to this Gomez, complete a S.N.O.R.T. adoption application for Gomez the Frenchie!