Ludo Loves Popcorn

Ludo Loves Popcorn


This is Ludo, the Ultimate Couch Potato. Ludo is a 5 year old neutered French bulldog who was surrendered to SNORT because his previous owner could no longer afford to give him the care he needed. He is currently residing in Aliquippa, Pa just outside of Pittsubrgh. Ludo is extremely overweight and with that has come some extra health concerns. He has a history of seizures, ear infections and allergies. Seizures are controlled with medication twice a day , and his foster family says that his allergies have subsided since he was switched to a fresher real food diet. He also takes natural supplements for joint health. He has also lost some weight on the new diet, but still needs to lose more. His previous vet suggested BOAS surgery, but his breathing has improved with weight loss. Surgery would likely be too risky for Ludo at this time, especially with a history of seizures. The ear infections have caused permanent damage therefore, Ludo hears very little if anything at all, and also has a permanent tilt of his head. He will definitely need someone familiar with brachycephalic breeds and who is willing to continue his progress in weight loss.

With all of the unpleasantries out of the way, Ludo’s foster family describes him as the Ultimate Couch Potato. A homebody who just wants to relax with his people. Netflix and chill? He’s down. Having some drinks and watching the game? Count him in. Chaos going on outside or on TV? He LOVES popcorn too.  He can’t hear it so he doesn’t care. They say he doesn’t really make a sound himself, they have yet to hear him bark. He is great with other animals, though he is pretty much a loner. He cuddles with the resident Sphynx cat and seems un-bothered by the size or breeds of other dogs that he meets. While he has not been around children since coming to his foster home, his super chill demeanor gives way to the idea that he would be fine with children, but maybe older than 5 just because of his hearing problems. He is housebroken, but doesn’t always let you know when he needs to go, so it is best to keep an eye on him. He is also crate trained so would not require someone home with him constantly. His carefree attitude would make him a great candidate to go to work, as long as there’s a place to nap when he’s there. Naps are important hard work. He enjoys a slow lumbering walk in the yard, and would possibly do well getting regular leashed walks as long as the temperature is not too much for him. He is, however, “the slowest dog I have ever met.” according to his host family. Pretty sure he figures that anywhere that is worth going to should be worth the time it takes him to get there. He doesn’t make any attempts to overexert himself. He is not interested in car rides at all. His transport to foster family was traumatic for him, and medications to calm him do not seem to help. His fosters are trying to desensitize him to the car, but anything over 15 minutes is too much for him. “You’re driving like a bat out of Hades!”, is likely what he’s thinking.

All in all, Ludo is a sweet, quiet and lazy dog. A “gem of a companion” as his fosters say. It is believed that he would do well in most any setting or family situation as long as his lack of hearing and attention to his health concerns are kept at the forefront. He doesn’t demand a ton of attention. He just wants to have a place to call home, a couch to nap on and a human to love, feed and care for him. If you’re looking for a “ride or die”, on the couch of course, then apply for Ludo. Afterall, he won’t go far and definitely won’t go fast.