

Macaroni — a Frencton – French bulldog/Boston Terrier that brings the best of both breeds into one, fun-loving cuddly, smart pup.

Macaroni loves people in general, but he insanely adores kids of all sizes and shapes. He likes most other dogs, except for those that are not neutered. He’s not super-athletic, so a walk once a day and play time at home will do the trick. He’s well versed in leash walking and knows a bunch of commands, including wait, sit, shake, give kisses, and lay down is a work in progress.

Macaroni has Spina Bifida, which means he is incontinent and will have to wear diapers and/or belly bands for the rest of his life. With this, the only special medication he requires is Miralax to prevent him from binding up.

But that doesn’t stop him from being as normal as normal can be. He loves playing with other dogs and delights in anything that squeaks. Balls are a close second! And we can’t forget walks!

Bring out the stage, because he loves displaying his antics in front of anyone who will watch. When not performing, he is busy with toys, dogs, and kids. Do keep an eye on him with other dogs as he can be a bit on the dominant side. No worries about introducing him to new people as he is an outgoing and friendly little guy.

Macaroni will do best in homes with a single person, younger couple, or family with kids. Prior experience with dogs is a must, and homes with another dog(s) or cats preferred. Mac only gets the best and is on a raw diet that really helps keep him body in shape!

The best buildings for this boy include apartments, townhouses, or single-family homes. Put those buildings in a suburban or rural environment and we’re good to go.

Mac is pretty flexible in day-to-day arrangements, but he can’t be left alone all day because of the diaper situation. He’s great to take to work, and of course, would be in heaven for a work-at-home person.

Here’s what Macaroni’s foster Mom as to say:

Mac is a sweet boy and is so smart! He is very adaptable and is happy to go anywhere with you. He does very well during diaper changes which is very easy and well even play ball by himself.

If you want to fit Mac into your life, then fill out the application by clicking on the link below.