

Mama Mia!! This outgoing, sweet, and playful little girl is looking for a home with lots of action so she can be in the middle of it! Kids, cats, big humans, other dogs? Mia is a pure and complete delight with all!

Here’s Mia’s back story. The husband bought her from a breeder to surprise his wife! She was surprised! But then she got pregnant and couldn’t manage the kids and the dog, which brings us to Mia’s present story.

She brings so many things to the table. She loves to make sure her humans watch her as she gets into her harmless bouts of mischief. She is certainly busy as a bee and active as in play, play, play! She loves playing with fellow canines, but she can get a bit rowdy, so she would not be a fit for older, settled dogs. But she loves meeting new people, kids, and pups.

Despite her love of action, Mia also knows when its time to lay down and be calm. Cuddle time!

Mia is potty trained, but she has a history of dribbling. She has had 3 urinary tract infections in the last 5 months which could be an indication of early kidney disease. This is something that would need to be watched under the care of a veterinarian.

Because she is such a doll, Mia would do well in homes except for those with very active families. Although she is a play fanatic, she needs her down time and cannot handle long walks or hikes. In addition, she would be fine in most environments, including city, suburban, rural, and apartment, townhouse, or single-family home. A fenced-in backyard is a must. She does need to urinate often, so a situation where someone is with her most of the day is best.

To hear first-hand how Mia is doing in her foster home, foster mom speaks:

We absolutely love Mia. She always looks like she is smiling, and I feel like her personality says the same. Even though Mia is 8 months old, she has the behavior control of an adult dog. She knows how to adapt to situations and take commands.

If yours is the ideal home for Mia, then fill out the application form.