

Please meet this sweet angel, Daisy – nicknames include but are not limited to Oopsie Daisy, Day Day, Hey you, Girl, Monkey, Lanky, DooBeeDoo, Mickey Mouse…well it goes on and on. She will answer to any of them because you are giving her attention.

Her eyes smile. Daisy is a 2.75 year old (she’s not 3 till October and insisted I make that known) French Bulldog who as a puppy, in her first home, was having so much trouble with going to the bathroom – and something was clearly wrong –  that her owners decided they wanted to put her to sleep and the vet refused and said to return to breeder. The breeder realized this was dog that would need more care than most and released her to rescue.

Daisy has been with SNORT quite a long time while her diagnosis came back with Histiocytic Ulcerative Colitis (HUC). Her foster home tried many foods (various diets, rx foods and rx meds – you nameit) and yet she was still having continuous flareups. In her second foster home,  she was moved to a raw diet and was doing so much better until she was spayed and suffered a relapse. A very difficult relapse.

Her foster home worked diligently to find the right Internal Medicine who didn’t just keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. She also has a very determined holistic vet and between the two she has been at the best she’s ever been. She went from having BM’s 17 times a day (all liquid) to 4 solid BMs with some a bit looser than others. She is ALWAYS happy and loves to eat. She eats a very specific raw diet with specific vegetables and it has worked quite well for her.

Some things that are different for her and her HUC condition – she never has any issues at night and sleeps well. She does not vomit nor have lethargy. She always has an appetite. She is a very thin Frenchie (she is also extremely long) and is all muscle with no fat. (Her team is trying to get her to put on some weight – which is a struggle – but she is maintaining her weight).

She loves to meet people – no strangers exist. She loves other dogs and lives well with her foster cats too. She has been known to clean the cats faces as they demand it.

She sleeps in bed with her foster parents and this will be imperative in her future home. She cuddles, will hold your hand with both paws, nuzzles under the covers and will paw at you if you don’t keep your arm or hand on her.

She is crate trained (and very good in it). She goes in whenever foster parents go out – or if going to be unattended for any longer period of time – so she doesn’t stress (part of HUC).

She needs a fun loving but calming environment and someone who works from home would be ideal. At  the very least someone who can come home from work mid-day would be ok.

Her personality is fantastic. Everyone who meets her, loves her. But here is the thing – she must have a home with HUC experience who will continue the very specific (yet easy) diet she is on with the supplements she takes twice a day. She has had a specific less used RX med that will help if the flare up is at its worse but tends to do best when she can recover slowly with her holistic care. She currently gets acupuncture and laser that have helped her very much.

She LOVES to go for car rides and just wants to be with you at all times. Although she loves all children and is so sweet with them – a home without little ones is imperative due to the fact she cannot be picking up crumbs or being given food she should not have. It is detrimental to her health.

She is worth every effort. So if you are experienced in HUC management, have established relationships with both Holistic and out of box thinking Internal Medicine – she will make you the companion of a lifetime.  She is worth it. Apply today.