Rockette (Roxie)

Rockette (Roxie)

Little Rockette, aka Roxie, is ready, willing, and able to jump into your lap and settle in for a long winter’s nap. (Yep, that time of year is approaching…).

After becoming increasingly anxious and aggressive toward other females in a breeding facility, Roxie was surrendered to us. In her foster home, she has exhibited zero aggression with the resident female pups and gets along famously with all canine and human beings.

Roxie still becomes anxious at times, but much less than she did at first, and in fact, she has turned into our official happy, energetic, cuddle bug. However, because of her anxiety, we recommend only homes with children older than 13.

Because she has not totally figured out how to be a dog, she is somewhat awkward when playing with other dogs, so some vigilance might help until she becomes a pro at this. Also, a home with a male or spayed female dog would be preferred.

Like a typical Boston, Roxie can stick her nose into mischief now and then, especially since she is smarter than the average pup. This is especially true when she is left alone and not crated. She is easy to train, and like Bostons, she is full of energy. And, she LOVES to be petted

Important fact: Roxie LOVES people. She is not at all shy when meeting new people. She is friendly, outgoing, and does not hesitate to jump right into strangers’ laps. She also loves walking around the yard but is not fond of walks on a leash. Did someone say there’s a patch of sun? She will find it because she loves to sunbathe. And when all this tires her out, she is a very sound and deep sleeper.

Roxie is about 80% house trained. When she is adopted into her new home, you can expect some regression of this, which is normal. Because she is so smart, she’ll be at 100% soon.

Her best adopters include adults that have another dog. Suburban and rural environments are preferred, in a townhome or single-family house.

Little Roxie deserves the best of the best in a life free of the traumas of breeding. If you can give her this free and loving home, then please fill out the application below.