

Hello, new friend, I’m Stitch, and I already know I love you! I know that because I love everyone I meet, human or canine, and I love lots of other things, too!

I had a bit of a rough start in the first year of my life, and when I met my foster mom a few months ago, I was in a lot of pain from infections in both my ears and a case of Lyme disease that made me feel pretty yucky all the time. I hadn’t ever been to the vet before, and I gotta tell ya, even though I love all the people there, I REALLY don’t like it when they poke and prod me, so I need a little patience, understanding, and medication to relax me whenever I go back.

Luckily, after a bunch of trips there for medicines and surgery, I’m in excellent health now, and I am starting to know what it feels like to live my very best life! Every single day, I get to go outside and sniff all the great smells, meet our neighbors, and let my human clean up after me (I don’t know why you people seem to like doing that so much… you’re a strange species!). I didn’t get to go out much in my Before House, so I was a little nervous at first. Foster mama called me “Little Duck,” because I walked right behind her feet to feel safe. But boy, did I get over that fast, and now, I am fearless!  When we’re inside, I have the best time playing fetch and tug of war with my foster mom and brother, and sometimes, I get to chew on some yummy treats—my very favorite is piggy ears, but I also love carrots, and I get one every morning after breakfast!

I would be happiest in a place where someone will play with me and take me on lots of walks—I still have some puppy energy, and you should see my epic zoomies! I should also be the only baby in the house because I forget sometimes I’m not supposed to nibble on fingers, and I don’t want to hurt anybody accidentally. I would LOVE a yard, but I can be ok without one, though It’ll be good for me to go out more often at first. At Before House, I only got to potty on these pads on the floor, and sometimes in my Now House, I forget that’s not what we’re supposed to do if I need to go real bad. I’m learning quickly, though, and I almost never have accidents anymore.

Did I mention I’m very, very smart? I know things like what I’m not allowed to chew on, how to ask for treats and to go outside, and I love to sit, give you my paw, and lay down when you ask–unless I’m too excited and I need help calming down before I can listen like I’m supposed to. I’m still a puppy, ya know! When I get tired, all I want is a lap, especially one with a blanket on it I can snuggle under. I don’t want to brag, but I’m kind of famous at Foster Mama’s work… whenever she’s in a meeting, I sit on her chair with her and snore so loud that everyone says hi to me all the time! I think it’s because I’m a Very Good Boy, which is another one of my names. The one I like most is “Stitchie Pie Puppy Guy,” because she always sings to me when she calls me that, and it reminds me that I am loved!

So, if you are looking for a Very Good Boy with gremlin-esque handsomeness, endless charm, and a heart so big it makes me almost explode with happy, loving energy, please apply to adopt me!